Condolences – Marguerite Simpson

16 Nov 2016

I bring the heartfelt condolences and encouragement to Pr Ian Simpson and to all his family from the CRC Churches and Pastors around SA with the recent passing of his wife Marguerite.

As long as I can recall, Marguerite has been a stalwart support for Ian in ministry. Ever the lady, her poise and steadiness of character were such an example to us all. She stood by Ian amidst the blessings, trials and challenges of ministry life, yet always continuing to serve and give of herself wholeheartedly.

She was such a classy lady! Demure and always beautifully presented, she bore an ambience that to me breathed calmness of spirit and warmth of heart. I recall her smile, her faint lilting Welch accent and the sparkle in her eyes. I’m sure she at times may have expressed her views strongly, yet I don’t ever recall her publically doing so. To me she always was a model of gracefulness, calmness of spirit and steadiness of persona. What a Godly woman she was!

She loved her Lord and served Him the best part of her life. She instilled into her family and all she met a respect and appreciation for God, serving Him faithfully all of her days.

Ian will miss his helpmate deeply, as she was one who stood alongside him so steadily in ministry, constantly in life and always in marriage.

We honour Marguerite as a wonderful servant of her Lord and an example of a life of self-sacrifice, lived to the full.

We praise God for Marguerite and know she is now in a far better place, free from the suffering that so limited her life of recent years.

Our heartfelt condolences goes out to Ian and to all the immediate and extended family at this sad yet releasing time.  We thank God for Marguerite and the impact her life has made on so many.

Hans Voortman
SA, WA and NT State Chairman CRC Churches International


Letter to Pr Ian Simpson from the National Chairman

Dear Ian

I am thinking and praying for you, Linda, James and all of your family on the passing of Marguerite to heaven.

I’m in Pt Moresby Papua New Guinea with Pastor Fuwe Hageyo the Senior Minister of Bethel Centre & CRC National Chairman, and he wants me to pass on to you the heartfelt condolences of all the CRC Pastors in PNG.

My memories of Marguerite in the early 1970’s when I came to Christ in our Sturt Street CRC Mother Church, is of a really dignified and gracious spiritual woman who always had a positive word to a young Greek boy who was finding his way in Christ.

Ian you were a favourite pastor to so many young people during that Jesus Movement era and we could see how Marguerite loved & adored you and her children. She was a terrific model to all of us who loved Jesus and the pastors of the Sturt Street Church which was like heaven on earth for us.

On behalf of the National Executive and your CRC family of Ministers & Churches, we honour Marguerite as one of our CRC Mothers who is now in the very presence of Christ her Saviour.

She is enjoying her Lord’s personal commendation for her faithfulness to Him and His cause.

Kind Regards,

Pastor Bill Vasilakis
National Chairman-CRC Churches International Australia.
Senior Minister-Christian Family Centre Seaton

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